Salima Road

The Roads Author­i­ty (RA) has said peo­ple can now use the M5 road between Sal­i­ma and Nkho­tako­ta dis­tricts after com­ple­tion of reha­bil­i­ta­tion works.

The stretch in ques­tion was washed away after a bar­rage of rains fell in some parts of the Cen­tral Region.Advertisement

RA spokesper­son Por­tia Kajan­ga told The Dai­ly Times that the road in now passable.

“As at now, we are work­ing on reha­bil­i­tat­ing oth­er roads [that got dam­aged] in the South­ern Region,” she said.

The gov­ern­ment has moved with speed to address the prob­lem of dam­age to some roads in the country.