
Roads Author­i­ty (RA) has dis­closed that they need K4.6 bil­lion to repair main roads and bridges that have been dam­aged due to floods which hit the coun­try last week, main­ly in the South­ern Region.

Apart from dam­ag­ing hous­es and road infra­struc­ture, the floods, which start­ed on March 4, have also claimed 56 lives and affect­ed 184,589 house­holds, accord­ing to Depart­ment of Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment Affairs.Advertisement

RA spokesper­son, Por­tia Kajan­ga, said the assess­ment of rur­al roads was under­way and a report, includ­ing an esti­mat­ed bud­get, would be sub­mit­ted later.