
The roads Author­i­ty has spent about K600 mil­lion com­pen­sat­ing peo­ple affect­ed by the 95-kilo­me­tre Lilong­we Old Air­port-Kasiya- San­the Road project, Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, Emmanuel Mat­a­pa, said over the weekend

Mat­a­pa said the project has been delayed because of the issue of com­pen­sat­ing all the peo­ple liv­ing along the stretch that took time

“The chal­lenge of com­pen­sat­ing peo­ple is what has delayed the whole project, but now that we have com­plet­ed com­pen­sat­ing the peo­ple, the con­trac­tor is now free to start work and fin­ish the remain­ing 37 km ‚” Mat­a­pa said.Advertisement

Min­is­ter of Trans­port and Pub­lic works Jap­pie Mhango on Fri­day trav­elled along the road to check progress made so far.

Dur­ing the vis­it, Mat­a­pa said although they faced chal­lenges in the ini­tial stages of the project, they are hap­py that the project is now pro­gress­ing well.

Mhango said the new road will help peo­ple of the area enor­mous­ly as the area is rich in agri­cul­ture and is one of the areas that con­tributes sig­nif­i­cant­ly to the eco­nom­ic growth.